

Your Councillors

Please click on the relevant map below to see details of the Committee Memberships and responsibilities of the 13 Town Councillors that represent each of the 3 Wards that make up Swanscombe and Greenhithe. Details of all x13 Town Councillors “Notification of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests” can be viewed by clicking this link: DPI’s
Most Town Councillors can be contacted via email by clicking on their name or, alternatively, via the Town Council Office (details and directions can be viewed by clicking here).

Council Tax Details

As a result of effective management of financial risks over the last 8 years (budgeting for costs that will occur and then ensuring funds are used, easing the burden for rate payers on expenditure such as building/facilities maintenance and the replacement of assets) the Town Council has managed to freeze our part of the council tax bill for the 2023 – 2024 year (this is after freezing it the last two years and reducing it by -5.5% and -1% in the previous two years before that).

Council Overview

The Town Council is the smallest and most local level of Government. With a population in excess of 14,000 (and rising) the Town Council is by far the largest of the 8 parishes within the borough of Dartford and provides services to over 1300 more properties than any of the other parishes (it is also the only Town within the borough of Dartford).
Swanscombe and Greenhithe Town Council is essentially a Parish Council but has adopted Town status which means the Chairman of the Town Council is designated...

Dates For Council Meetings

Agendas are published, including the date of the meeting, at least 3 clear days (not including the day of issue and meeting) before the meeting takes place.
All meetings of the Town Council are open to the public and the press although parts of some meetings may need to be held in private but these will be clearly indicated on the agendas.

Staff Structure

Visit out staff structure page to find out about the councilors and staff working behind the scenes at Swanscombe & Greenhithe Town Council.