Council Overview
Annual Report & Budget Statement
Click below to see the Town Councils Annual Report
Action Plan
Click below to see the Town Councils Action Plan
Committee Structure
Click below to see the Town Councils Committee Structure
The Town Council is the smallest and most local level of Government. With a population in excess of 14,000 (and rising) the Town Council is by far the largest of the 8 parishes within the borough of Dartford and provides services to over 1300 more properties than any of the other parishes (it is also the only Town within the borough of Dartford).
Swanscombe and Greenhithe Town Council is essentially a Parish Council but has adopted Town status which means the Chairman of the Town Council is designated Mayor. The Town Council, unlike District, Borough or County Council’s, has few statutory duties (things that have to be done) but many powers (things that can be done). Swanscombe and Greenhithe Town Council seeks to exercise its powers for the benefit of the communities of Swanscombe and Greenhithe villages.
The Town Council provides a variety of recreation, social and other facilities for the benefit of residents and people who work in and visit the Town area, working in partnership with other Councils and agencies to promote and deliver local services. The Town Council has 13 Councillors elected by the residents every four years (please click here for details of the most recent election results). Full Council meets at least 5 times a year to consider issues affecting the Town and the services provided. There are also 5 main Committees (Community Safety Committee, Finance and General Purposes Committee, Planning, Major Developments, Transport and Environment Committee and the Recreation, Leisure and Amenities Committee) along with various sub-committees. Please click on the bee to see some of the services the Town Council provides.