Council Tax Details

Tax Details

As a result of effective management of financial risks over the last 11 years (budgeting for costs that will occur and then ensuring funds are used, easing the burden for rate payers on expenditure such as building/facilities maintenance and the replacement of assets) the Town Council has managed to freeze our part of the council tax bill for the 2024 – 2025 year (this is after freezing it the last two years and reducing it by -5.5% and -1% in the previous two years before that).
In fact, over the last 20+ years the Town Council part of the tax bill has increased by less than £2.00 per year.
Your council tax helps pay for important local services provided by different public authorities. For each pound collected, the authorities listed below each receive the following share of your money:
73p Kent County Council
10p Dartford Borough Council
10p The Police and Crime Commissioner for Kent
5p Kent and Medway Fire & Rescue Authority
Council Tax