Greenhithe Ward

All of these Town Councillors can be contacted via email by clicking on their name.

Greenhithe Ward Councillors

Full Council

Community Safety Committee (Vice-Chairman)

Recreation, Leisure & Amenities Committee (Chairman)

Finance & General Purposes Committee

Planning, Major Developments, Transportation and Environment Committee

Personnel Committee

Executive & Emergency Committee

Heritage Sub-Committee

Allotments & Cemeteries Sub-Committee (Vice – Chairman)

Leases & Legal Sub – Committee

Regeneration & Quality Sub – Committee

Town Council Bank Signatory

SGTC Recognition Award Scheme Panel

Town Council representative on:

Greenhithe Community Association

Ingress Park Management (Greenhithe) Ltd

London Resort Company Holdings Ltd. Community Liaison Group

Whitecliffe Community Liaison Committee

Also Dartford Borough Council Member representing Greenhithe & Knockhall Ward and the Kent County Council Member representing Swanscombe and Greenhithe (please click photo for details).

Full Council

Community Safety Committee

Recreation, Leisure & Amenities Committee

Planning, Major Developments, Transportation and Environment Committee ( Chairman)

Personnel Committee

Executive & Emergency Committee

Leases & Legal Sub-Committee

Regeneration & Quality Sub-Committee

SGTC Recognitiion Award Scheme Panel

Town Council bank Reconciliation

Councillor Alan Reach

Full Council

Executive & Emergency Committee

Regeneration and Quality Sub-Committee

Councillor Hazel Stephens

Full Council

Community Safet Committee

Finance & General Purposes Committee

Planning, Major Developments, Transportation and Environment Committee (Vice-Chairman)

Allotments & Cemeteries Sub-Committee (Chairman)

Leases & Legal Sub – Committee

Town Council Bank Signatory

Town Council representative on :

Youth Forum (DBC)

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