Lorry Watch – Call for Volunteers

Lorry Watch – Call for Volunteers

Lorry Watch is a joint project between Kent County Council, Kent Police, and local communities. Residents are empowered to record the details of large vehicles using unsuitable routes or routing through areas with a weight, height or width restriction.
Swanscombe & Greenhithe Town Council have agreed to facilitate a Lorry Watch Group for the Town and we are looking for volunteers.
You would need to be over 18 and able to commit to attending Lorry Watch activities periodically during daylight hours (2 hour shifts).
The designated locations agreed for Lorry Watch activities to take place will be:
If you feel you could contribute some time in helping to monitor lorries using local roads then please contact the Town Council on either 01322 385513
or by emailing info@swanscombeandgreenhithetowncouncil.gov.uk
and provide your name, age, address and your contact number/email. As a registered volunteer we would need to have permission to share your information with Kent County Council.

We look forward to hearing from you.


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