Planning 2024
Although the Town Council is unable to make decisions on planning applications it is a statutory consultee and submits comments/observations regarding applications that are within its boundaries.
Details for the three Planning Authorities that have the power to grant or refuse planning permissions can be obtained by clicking on the relevant logo :
Please click on the local planning applications listed below to see all the details available for that application, once you are viewing an application and you would like to submit any comments/views on that application please do so by clicking the “Make a Comment” option which will be on the right hand side of the screen.
When making comments/observations on planning applications the following link provides good advice on what should be taken into account : Click for the
The weekly planning list from Dartford Borough Council can be viewed by clicking: here
- DA/25/00037/FUL - 2 Empire Walk, Greenhithe
- DA/25/00001/FUL - 19 Woodland Way, Greenhithe.
- DA/24/01395/FUL - 19 Eagles Road, Greenhithe
- DA/24/01421/FUL - 41 Valley View, Greenhithe
- DA/24/01407/FUL - 6 Albert Road, Swanscombe.
- DA/24/01309/FUL - Open Space at The Boulevard, Greenhithe
- DA/24/01382/FUL - 3 Alma Road, Swanscombe
- DA/24/01353/FUL - 45 Pentstemon Drive, Swanscombe.
- EDC/24/0146 - Eastern Quarry, Watling St, Swanscombe.
- DA/24/01312/FUL - 5 Mayfields, Swanscombe
- DA/24/00805/VCON - The Orchard, Mounts Road, Greenhithe
- DA/24/01200/VCON - Hangloose Adventure, Bluewater Park, Greenhithe
- DA/24/01259/FUL - 18 Stanley Road, Swanscombe
- DA/24/00860/VCON - McDonalds, Bean Road, Greenhithe.
- DA/24/00995/FUL - Church Centre, 112 Swanscombe Street, Swanscombe
- DA/23/00709/FUL - Akash Tandoori, 54 Milton Road, Swanscombe.
- DA/24/00595/FUL - Rosewood, 28 Bean Road, Greenhithe - REVISED
- DA/24/01085/TRCON - Land Rear of Arethusa Place, Greenhithe.
- DA/24/01070/TPO - 19 Watermans Way, Greenhithe.
- EDC/24/0138 - Mounts Road Access, Eastern Quarry, Watling Street, Swanscombe
- DA/24/01060/FUL - 36 Caspian Way, Swanscombe.
- DA/24/00941/FUL - Cheers Dental Practice, 23 High Street Swanscombe
- DA/24/00961/FUL - 9 Worcester Close, Greenhithe.
- DA/24/00904/FUL - 5A Stanley Road, Swanscombe.
- DA/24/00933/FUL - 13 Mounts Road, Greenhithe.
- DA/24/00702/TPO - Ingress Park Ave, Ingress park, Greenhithe.
- DA/24/00595/FUL - Rosewood, 28 Bean Road, Greenhithe.
- DA/24/00911/TPO - 3 Watermans Way, Greenhithe
- DA/24/00882/TPO - 3 Watermans Way, Greenhithe
- DA/24/00881/TPO - 3 Watermans Way, Greenhithe.
- DA/24/00879/FUL - 27 Valley View, Greenhithe
- DA/24/00860/VCON - McDonalds, Bean Road, Greenhithe
- DA/24/00862/FUL - 11 Eglinton Road, Swanscombe
- DA/24/00752/TPO - 16 Worcester Close, Greenhithe
- DA/24/00596/FUL - Former Wheatsheaf Public House, 60 High Street, Swanscombe.
- EDC/24/0049 - The Hub, Alkerden, Ebbsfleet Valley, Swanscombe.
- DA/24/00595/FUL - Rosewood, 28 Bean Road, Greenhithe
- DA/24/00612/FUL - Beach Brow, Ingress Park ,Greenhithe.
- DA/24/00580/FUL - 11 Eglinton Road, Swanscombe.
- DA/24/00606/TPO - 3 Watermans Way, Greenhithe
- EDC/23/0031- The Pier, Ingress Park
- 20240234 – Britannia Refined Metals, Lower Road, Northfleet
- EDC/24/0146 - Eastern Quarry, Watling Street, Swanscombe
- DA/24/00476/FUL – 1 Seymour Walk, Swanscombe.
- DA/24/00321/FUL – 3 Meriel Walk, Greenhithe.
- DA/24/00444/TPO – Rear of 15 The Dell
- EDC/22/0168 – Ebbsfleet Central East
- EDC/24/0022 – The Former George and Dragon – London Road, Swanscombe.
- DA/24/00269/FUL – 3 Alma Road, Swanscombe
- DA/2400246/ADV – Roundabout at junction of London Road and St. Clements Way, Greenhithe
- 20221064 – Northfleet Harbourside – Land Surrounding Ebbsfleet United Football Club, Stonebridge Road, Northfleet
- DA/24/00026/COU – 110 Milton Street, Swanscombe.
- DA/24/00201/TPO – Communal Area Between 19 and 21 Watermans Way, Greenhithe.
- DA/24/00174/VCON – Former Wheatsheaf PH, 60 High Street, Swanscombe
- DA/24/00157/FUL – 14 Pacific Close, Swanscombe
- DA/24/00158/FUL – 2 Palladian Circus, Greenhithe
- DA/23/01352/COU – 1 The Orchard, Mounts Road, Greenhithe.
- DA/24/00107/FUL – 3 College Place, Greenhithe.
- EDC/24/0005 – Land North of Tilman Ave, Swanscombe.
- DA/23/1456/FUL – 2 Robinson Way, Northfleet