Policies & Procedures

Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (DPI’s)

Town Council members are required to formally disclose pecuniary interests of both themselves and their spouses in line with the Localism Act 2011. The Act requires that members disclose details of employment, property ownership, contract or tenancies with the council, sponsorship, or shareholding.
DPI’s must be disclosed within 28 days of election. If not already disclosed, a member must disclose a DPI at any meeting at which an item affecting a DPI is being considered. Any new DPI’s must be disclosed to the Monitoring Officer within 28 days.
Member’s must not participate or vote in any discussion where a DPI is present, unless prior dispensation permitting this has been provided.
If without reasonable excuse a member fails to comply with these rules, they may be found guilty of an offence which is liable to a maximum fine of £5,000 and disqualification of up to five years. The Monitoring Officer at Dartford Borough Council publishes all the Town Council DPI’s (click here)
The Town Council has adopted the following Policies and Procedures to ensure good practice and promote transparency of council activities. Please click on the link to view each Policy, alternatively all Policies and Procedures can be viewed by appointment at the Town Council Offices. These Policies are reviewed each year at the Annual General Meeting (in May).