Report It


Where do I report it? Please click on any of the pictures that relate to the issue/problem that you wish to report.

Streetlights, potholes, pathways.
Stray dogs, dangerous dogs dog fouling.
Refuse and Recycling enquiries (including details for Bank Holiday collections).
Details for the Local Police, including how to report incidents.
Our local Kent County Council Community Wardens.
Kent County Council.
Dartford Borough Council.
Council Tax, benefits and housing enquiries.
How to contact our local MP, Mr Gareth Johnson.
Report litter, graffiti and/or fly tipping.
Public rights of way, land owner responsibilities.
Car Parks, parking enforcement, parking schemes etc.
Verge maintenance.
Anti-Social Behaviour – Community Safety
KCC Funding/Grant opportunities
Salt/Gritting/Winter Plan
Blocked drains.
Power Cuts.
St Peter & St Pauls Church, Swanscombe
Smart Advice for Everyone (SAfE)
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