Your Councillors


Councillors by Ward

Please click on the relevant map below to see details of the Committee Memberships and responsibilities of the 13 Town Councillors that represent each of the 3 Wards that make up Swanscombe and Greenhithe. Details of all x13 Town Councillors “Notification of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests” can be viewed by clicking this link: DPI’s
Greenhithe Village Ward Map
Knockhall Ward Map
Swanscombe Ward Map
Jim Dickson
Member of Parliament for Dartford
Peter Harman
Kent County Councillor for Swanscombe and Greenhithe.
Emma Ben Moussa
Dartford Borough Councillor for Swanscombe Ward
Carol Gale
Dartford Borough Councillor for Greenhithe & Knockhall Ward
Peter Harman
Dartford Borough Councillor for Greenhithe & Knockhall Ward
Claire Pearce
Dartford Borough Councillor for Swanscombe Ward
David Mote
Dartford Borough Councillor for Greenhithe & Knockhall Ward.
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