Galley Hill Road collapse – updates / information.

Galley Hill Road collapse – updates / information.

Message from KCC Member for Swanscombe and Greenhithe, Peter Harman – 21 June 2024.

Latest update from Galley Hill. The source of the electrical signals has now been found and all electrical cables are isolated. KCC will now be getting the specialist contractor back on site to further examine the cliff face and to remove all debris from above, such as old pipes and cables.
KCC confirms that the main survey work has been completed, and the contractors are now working on their report which should be passed to KCC in August. This seems to be a very long time to prepare the report, but I am informed that there is a lot of backroom work to be done such as testing and analysing samples taken from the Galley Hill site. I will post further information when it becomes available.

Message from KCC Member for Swanscombe and Greenhithe, Peter Harman – 12 June 2024

With regards Galley Hill road, the latest formal report from KCC Highways dated 8th May 2024 is shown in italics at the bottom of this post.
Further information from recent meetings and other sources is as follows:
All three landowners are now co-operating fully with KCC Highways in allowing access to their sites for works to take place.
Specialist contractors were surveying the cliff face when they found two live cables (one low voltage and one high voltage), despite UK Power Networks (UKPN) previously informing KCC Highways in writing that there were no remaining live cables on site. Recent meter testing apparently confirms that there are still electrical signals being detected on site, and multi-testing is taking place to find the location. This has caused further survey work to be halted until UKPN can confirm with confidence that there are no other live cables remaining.
Contractors still need to remove hanging cables and other debris from the top of the cliff; including a cast iron water main (believed to be an old fire suppression main), electrical cabling, and internet cables. Actions carried out by contractors includes windows being cut in the chalk face, boreholes, and work to face off the chalk cliff. Fixed CCTV is being installed to monitor the site for security during works taking place on site.
The specialist contractors are now preparing a detailed report for KCC Highways following surveys of the site, this is expected in August this year.
A further report for government ministers is being prepared seeking financial help with the cost of repairs from central government. This may of course be effected by any possible changes of ministers resulting from the forthcoming general election
There will be an another public meeting arranged when further details are available for reporting back to residents.
KCC Highways update on Galley Hill Road.
On 10 April 2023 a portion of the northern edge of the Swanscombe Quarry collapsed causing a landslide. It led to a lot of chalk and other materials falling to the quarry floor, onto business premises below.
The landslide also took part of the road and footpath of Galley Hill Road. This road is on the chalk above the old quarry site. This, in turn, caused considerable damage to the highway’s utility infrastructure. Local phone and broadband services were also affected.
What we’re doing.
Following a number of non-intrusive surveys, a contractor has been employed to commence intrusive surveys on the road surface. From 15 April 2024, contractors started to work on the south side whilst discussions are ongoing with landowners on north side to access the land to make the cliff safe.
Once full access has been given and surveys have been carried out to assess the stability of the remaining chalk ridge, further works can be determined. In the meantime, the road will have to remain closed. The diversion route will continue to be monitored and localised repairs carried out as necessary.
Last updated: 8 May 2024

Gareth Johnson MP – extract from May newsletter.

Updates / information regarding the Galley Hill Road collapse can be found via the Kent County Council website using the following link :

Please click this link to the KCC website



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