Financial Information

Under the Local Government Transparency Code 2014, local authorities were required to publish this data from 31 December 2014 and at least quarterly thereafter. Please click below to see details of the Town Councils expenditure, including any grants received or allocated, over £500 :-

Click below to see appropriate Town Council Budget and Precept Information

The Town Council has, for some time, operated an annual grant scheme to provide support to local groups and organisations to assist their activities within the community.

The Town Council’s budget for 2024 – 2025 is £2,000 for projects needing financial assistance, which the Town Council will assess against specific criteria to determine allocation of funds. There are 5 opportunities throughout the year for applications to be submitted and considered as follows:

1. Deadline for receipt of completed applications: noon 12 June 2024 – Decisions on applications made 19 June 2024

2. Deadline for receipt of completed applications: noon 5 September 2024 – Decisions on applications made 12 September 2024

3. Deadline for receipt of completed applications: noon on 31 October 2024 – Decisions on applications made 7 November 2024

4. Deadline for receipt of completed applications: noon on 2 January 2025 – Decisions on applications made 9 January 2025

5. Deadline for receipt of completed applications: noon on 27 February 2025 – Decisions on applications made 6 March 2025

Only applications submitted on the completed official form will be considered, the application forms can be requested by post or downloaded via the following links:

Click below to see details of the Town Councils receipts and expenditure of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

Local councils in England with an annual turnover of £6.5 million or less must complete an annual return in accordance with proper practices summarising their activities at the end of each financial year. This must be approved no later than 30 June.
Basically stated, proper practices mean that to inform taxpayers, local councils must prepare a report on their activities for the year, which is externally audited and then published. External audit remains an essential element in accounting for public money. It makes an important contribution to the stewardship of public resources and to the corporate governance of public services. It also supports local democracy by helping to ensure that members and officers are accountable to the communities they serve and by providing assurance that the public money they manage has been properly spent.
The public accountability framework encourages openness and transparency from local councils by requiring that the annual return and external audit reports are made public (the Town Council regularly publishes these as a matter of course in its Finance and General Purposes Committee Agendas/Papers).
Please click on the pound to see the Town Councils Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Audited Annual Return.
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